So, it's official, I am no longer a blogging virgin! Woohoo! (I think)
My 1st Monday of summer vacay was an interesting day; I don't think you can beat staying up til 3am and then sleeping til nearly noon--ahhh--I LOVE summer vacation!
The mammogram (surely a process devised by a man, a sadistic one at that) was not that fun especially when the tech had to redo 2 of the images, but I am grateful that I have health insurance and access to the miracles of modern medicine. Was supposed to get an eye exam, but my fab doc was running behind so I canceled to help out all the poor suckers on a tight schedule. I need to reschedule so I can get new glasses--or better yet laser surgery so I can ditch my glasses and make my wifey happy.
Stopped by Target to clue the very nice manager in to her "customer service manager's" less than stellar customer service; then spent $30 on very random stuff (damn, their alluring Dollar Spot filled with impulse buys galore!). Guess it all wasn't a waste as my wifey appreciated the sundry items I picked up for her; plus, I got her anniversary card for next Tuesday:)
The rest of the day was spent at home napping, watching a Yankees Classics game from the 96 World Series, cleaning the kitchen and putting dinner on the table, and chilling on the couch while my wifey watched an inane show and I finished reading Marked from the House of Night series by the Casts. (it's way, way better than Twilight!!)
Tomorrow, I'm off to RAFT with my teaching compadres! Woohoo!