Monday, July 6, 2009

Fantastic 4th Weekend!

OMG, did we had a blast celebrating the 4th!

As soon as Tamara got off work, we headed over to Karen's moving away party for a lil bit. Tamara was digging the Sangria Susan P. had made; we left before she had the to chance to enjoy it too much! We had just enough time to snap a pic or 2 with Roberta and Mark.

We headed to Fenton's for a Friday night dinner date with Jackie, Bernie, and Kat. My wifey was craving a crab sandwich, & we were all craving their yummy ice cream! Here's a few pics that perfectly sum up the experience. Kat will be talking about her sundae for days!

Tamara and I ended the evening watching several more episodes of True Blood (awesome series!), and then slept in until 11. Jack, Bern, & Kat rolled in with gobs of great food for an afternoon of swimming and BBQing. Jackie even hooked us up with a poolside fruit bar; the pickled mango she and Kat whipped up was magnificent! There were long period's of contented silence as we devoured the food hot off the grill. By the way, Jack can COOK and Kat can GRUB!

We had no sooner cleared off the table then we scooted over to our hubbies' house in Newark for fireworks. First, we had to give Mark & Charles the salt-n-pepper shakers we got them at Pride--it's fun to stay at the YMCA!--LOL. After tons of booms and ahhh's, we closed down the holiday back at the house with Kat, Jack, & T grubbin down one more bowl of ice cream!

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